ROYALE BUILDINGS provide services that include engineering, planning, designing, civil and interior construction, and project management in line with client brief and expectations conforming to international standards and practices To ensure achievement of this policy and provide a frame work for performance improvement, a quality management system is established to meet and continue meet the requirements of design delivery, budget line and safety standards
The quality Assurance objectives are achieved by

- Creating a working environment in which quality work can flourish by having a management organization with defined responsibilities for individuals and established procedures for carrying out work in a manner which will achieve high standards
- Employing appropriately qualified staff to support both technical and administrative functions
- Ensuring all the staffs and work teams are educated, trained and qualified to their level of responsibility
- Agreeing clear briefs with clients and understanding expectations
- Encouraging good internal and external communications
- Maintaining adequate support facilities such as technical library and information services Computer support for designing, analysis and scheduling periodical up gradation of software for rendering-3D perspective, project management, cost tracking and cost control techniques
- Associated with qualified suppliers, vendors, supporting agencies with high degree of technical competence
- Design risk assessment and material selection process are periodically refined and improved
Our quality of building is determined by client level of satisfaction. That is achieved by effective and efficient use of resources, consistency on monitoring, control, audit and review